Advance Chemistry : Nomenclature of Alcohols

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Nomenclature of Alcohols

     Nomenclature of Alcohols

The naming of alcohols is takes place by several methods (systems) -

(1)Common system-

In this system the naming of alcohol is takes place by adding the word alcohol after the alkyl group.

For example-
CH3-OH ====> Methyl alcohol
CH3CH2-OH ====>Ethyl alcohol

Normal, iso , tertiary etc.  Prefixes are added in the nomenclature of isomer alcohols.

For example-

CH3CH2CH2OH ====> n- propyl alcohol

CH3CHOHCH3 =====> isopropyl alcohol

(2) I.U.P.A.C. system-

In this system the naming of alcohol is performed by the word "alkanol".
Rule of IUPAC are as follows-
(a) Choose the -OH bond containing longest Carbon chain.
(b) -e is replaced by the suffix -ol in the corresponding alkane chain.
(c) Numbering of Carbon chain is performed in that manner in which the -OH group containing carbon atom has minimum number.

For example-

CH3-OH ====> Methanol
CH3CH2-OH ====>Ethanol

CH3CH2CH2OH ==>Propane-1-ol

CH3CHOHCH3 ==> Propane-2-ol

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